
Anthony Balzano, Sussex County Community College

Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Environment & Culture
Drugs & Culture
Drugs & Culture: Assignments/Exams

Autumn Cahoon, Sierra College

Physical Anthropology
Physical Anthropology Lab
Forensic Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology online

Laura Tubelle de González, Miramar College

Physical Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology

Sydney Hart, Wilbur Wright College

Cultural Anthropology

Patricia Hamlen, Harper College

Introduction to Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology

Angela Jenks

Physical Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology (online)
Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft

Frank Lagana

General Anthropology
Cultures of the Caribbean
North American Indians

Bob Muckle, Capilano University

Indigenous Peoples of North America
First Nations of British Columbia
Introduction to Archaeology
Archaeology of the Americas
Archaeology and Popular Culture
Archaeology Field School
Introduction to Biological Anthropology

Mike Pavlik, Joliet Junior College

History of Horticulture

Philip Stein, Los Angeles Pierce College (retired)

Human Biological Evolution (online)
Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft

Katrina Worley, American River College

Ancient Technology