Award Recipients

Past and Present Winners

Student Award for Academic Excellence

2016: None
2015: Laura Roccucci, Cosumnes River College, “Smut: Erotica Rising from the Ashes of Pompeii”
2014: Katy Fulp and Chrysoula Georgiou, “Falling into Blackness”
2013: None
2012: Ember Knight, Santa Monica College, “It’s an Addiction: Identity, Community, and Gender in Los Angeles Open Mic Comedy.”
2011: Danielle Emond, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, “The Process of Fan Fiction: Creating Culture though Alternate Realities.”
2010: None
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Teacher of the Year Awards

2016: None
2015: Jeff McKendricks, San Diego Miramar College
2014: Amanda Paskey, Cosumnes River College and Angela Jenks, UC Irvine
2010: Laura Gonzalez, San Diego Miramar College and Tad McIlwraith, Douglas College
2013: None
2012: None
2011: None
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Student Award for Creativity, Leadership, or Community Service

2016: None
2015: Jocelyn Romero (Felicano), San Diego Miramar College
2014: Anthony BlueJacket
2013: None
2012: None
2011: None
2010: None
2009: Jenna Grabijas, Greenville Technical College
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